Tuesday 6 September 9,00 p.m. Forum conference room in Omegna, opening of one of the stage of the exhibition “ VISIONARY WOMEN” by Jill Mathis.
Tanks to the collaboration with “ Unione industriale VCO, and with the organising support of Omegna Municipality and “ Museo Arti e Industria- Forum Foundation” the opening of the exhibition will takeplace together with a meeting/conference entitled ” VISIONARY WOMEN, VISIONARY INDUSTRY” women’s role in Industry.
The exhibition is open until 2 October 2022:
Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m.12,30 p.m. / 3 to 6 p.m.
Sunday 3 to 6 p.m.
During the week days possibility to book guided tours for high schools, with the accompaniment of students attending the last year of Gobetti High school.
Free entry thanks to the collaboration with “ Forum Art and industry Museum”
Info and booking at:
- tel.: 0323 840809 (opening times);
- e-mail:;
- Facebook e Instagram: @Visionary Women.