Max Ackermann



Massimiliano Ackermann, a German Suisse industrialist, who founded in 1885 in Omegna, a big industry for full cycle cotton processing, that the following century became the De Angeli firm, “Il fabricon” in local dialect.

We draw from the volume “i luoghi del lavoro nella valle dello Strona”, by Valeria Garuzzo ( 2000) the following description: “ on 19 Dicember 1885 Massimiliano Ackermann applied to Omegna to divert water ( of Strona river ndr.) for industrial uses. A rimarkable availability of capital allowed him, to develope in a few years, a big factory for the full cycle cotton processing, so called fabricon.

As the most of cotton enterpreneurs, Massimiliano Ackermann, also provided to the realisation of charitable works, necessary for the proper running of the firm, like the kindergarten for the young workers from the surroundings, as around 700 people were assumed in a short time.

After a fire, in 1901, the activity was sold to the De Angeli -Frua society, that increased the activity, until it reached during its maximum expansion, the number of 1600 workers. Also the De Angeli-Frua group went on with the engagement for a social organisation, building a hostel which could house about 350 women workers, and a living quarter, in Piano Egro, based on the english garden city style.